Published on March 14, 2023

Reading Time: 17 min

UCAT Score Needed for Medicine UK 2025

The UCAT is an admissions test used by the majority of medical schools in the UK, each with its own required UCAT score for medicine admissions. It’s essential to consider how each university uses the UCAT when selecting candidates for interview. This guide will aid your decision as to which 4 universities will be most likely to select you for an interview based on your UCAT score. It’s important to take into account other entry requirements, such as A-levels, GCSEs, work experience, and personal statements/equivalent.

All of the UK medical schools are mentioned in the table below, with details on how they use the UCAT in their medicine selection process and cut-off scores/average scores for medicine interviews where applicable. All sources are cited for verification. Graduate entry requirements are included. Any differences cited for international applicants are also noted. You can also click through the links for each university to view medicine interview questions specific to each university.

This table does not include widening access information. Many universities will consider widening access criteria for contextual offers and may lower UCAT score requirements for medicine based on this. We will be uploading a guide on contextual offers for medicine shortly.

Sitting the UCAT in 2025? Explore MedicHut’s UCAT resources by top 1% scorers, such as our 2-day live UCAT course, our 154-lesson online UCAT course (bite-sized video lessons), best-selling UCAT book (updated for 2025), and one-to-one UCAT tutoring.

Strategic Application Consultation

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UCAT Scores by University

University of Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry

Aston University Medical School

School of Medicine Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)

Barts (Queen Mary, University of London)

Barts (Queen Mary): Graduate Entry

University of Birmingham Medical School

University of Birmingham Graduate Entry Medicine

Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)

University of Bristol Medical School

Brunel University, London Medical School

University of Buckingham Medical School

University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine

Cardiff University School of Medicine

University of Chester Medical School (Graduate Entry only)

University of Dundee School of Medicine

Edge Hill University Medical School

University of Edinburgh Medical School

University of Exeter Medical School

University of Glasgow School of Medicine

University of Hull York Medical School

Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine

Keele University School of Medicine

Kent and Medway Medical School

King’s College London School of Medicine Education

King’s College London School Of Medicine (Graduate Programme)

Lancaster University Medical School

University of Leeds School of Medicine

University of Leicester Medical School

University of Lincoln Medical School

University of Liverpool School of Medicine

University of Manchester Medical School

Newcastle University School of Medical Education

Norwich/UEA Medical School

University of Nottingham School of Medicine

University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division

University of Plymouth Medical School

Queen’s University Belfast School of Medicine

University of Sheffield Medical School

University of Southhampton School of Medicine

University of St Andrews School of Medicine

St George’s University of London Medical School

Swansea University Medical School (Graduate Entry)

University of Sunderland School of Medicine

University College London Medical School

Ulster University School of Medicine (Graduate Entry)

University of Warwick Medical School (Graduate Entry)

University of Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry

There is no minimum cut-off. The total UCAT score is used and compared to all other applicants. Subsections are not considered individually. The SJT will not be scored, but it may be used in offer-making when candidates have similar scores and those applying with SJT Band 4 will not be considered.


Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT Score
For 2024 entry, the lowest UCAT score invited to interview (non-WP):
2320 for Scottish/EU graduates
2320 for Scottish/EU school leavers
2440 for UK school leavers
2400 for UK graduates  
The average UCAT score invited to interview:
2560 for Scottish/EU school leavers
2580 for Scottish/EU graduates
2700 for UK school leavers
2600 for UK graduates
For international applicants, the lowest UCAT score invited to interview was:
2390 for school leavers
2330 for graduates
Source 1
For international applicants, the average UCAT score invited to interview was:
2700 for school leavers
2630 for graduates
Source 2

Read more about the University of Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry

Aston University Medical School

UCAT score is considered alongside all other entry requirements. There are no specific score requirements for the UCAT as your score will be considered alongside all other entry requirements. All applicants are assessed and ranked based on qualifications obtained and the UCAT, so the chances of being selected for the interview stage depend on the level of competition in the year you apply. Aston does not consider the SJT banding in its ranking.


Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT ScoreHighest UCAT Score
In 2024, the lowest score invited to interview:
2600 for UK (Home Students)
2550 for Widening Participation
2530 for International Applicants
The average UCAT score invited to interview:
2759 for UK (Home Students)
2718 for Widening Participation
2689 for International Applicants
The highest UCAT score invited to interview:
3380 for UK (Home Students)
3250 for Widening Participation
3070 for International Applicants

Read more about Aston University Medical School

School of Medicine Anglia Ruskin University (ARU)

There is no standard cut-off, and UCAT rankings vary year by year. Applicants will be ranked by their UCAT score and a certain number will be invited to interview, given they meet other entry requirements. Band 4 SJT is automatically rejected.

Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT Score
In 2023, the lowest score invited to interview:
2640 for the rest of the UK
2590 for Local Students
2710 for Graduate Applicants
2690 for Graduate Applicants (Locales)  
The average UCAT score invited to interview:
2778 for UK Students
Source 1
Source 2

Interview Course

In our 2-day Medicine Interview Course, you will learn about medical ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

Barts (Queen Mary, University of London)

A UCAT score outside the fourth decile and above will automatically be rejected. Applicants are ranked on a 50/50 weighting of UCAT score to academic points. Band 4 is automatically rejected and SJT looked at post-interview.

UCAT Score Cut-Off
In 2023, the UCAT score cut-off was:
2720 for UK (Home Students)
2820 for Graduate Applicants (1st Class Degree)
3210 for Graduate Applicants (2nd Class Upper Degree)
2870 for International Applicants
Source 1
Source 2

Barts (Queen Mary): Graduate Entry

A UCAT score below the third decile/ top 30% will automatically be rejected. Applicants are ranked on a 50/50 weighting of UCAT score to academic points.

Lowest UCAT Score
In 2024, the lowest UCAT score invited to interview was:
2620 for home students and 2950 for international students

University of Birmingham Medical School

The University of Birmingham does not use UCAT cut-off scores for medicine entry. UCAT scores are given a weighting against other application criteria (45% GCSE, 40% UCAT, 15% contextual score for 2024) and applicants are assigned points. To obtain a scoring system for UCAT, all applicants’ scores are placed into decile rankings, and each decile is awarded a set number of points. Applicants will receive points based on the decile they fall under. The most recent data states that applicants with 2700 or above in the UCAT were awarded full points (4 points) for UCAT score due to falling in the top decile. The decile rankings are subject to change each year.

International applicants who meet the minimum academic criteria (AAA predictions in A levels, or equivalent), are ranked by their UCAT scores and the highest-ranked individuals are invited to interview by the University of Birmingham.

Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT Score
In 2024, the lowest score invited to interview:
2700 for UK students
2860 for International Applicants
Source 1
Source 2
The average UCAT score invited to interview:
2950 for UK Students    

Interview Tutoring

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University of Birmingham Graduate Entry Medicine

An application score is calculated based on UCAT score, academic achievement, and time in full-time employment or postgraduate study. Applicants are ranked based on this score and the highest-ranked applicants are invited to interview for the Birmingham Graduate Entry Medicine programme.

The 4-year Graduate Entry Medicine programme at Birmingham does not offer any places for international applicants.

Read more about University of Birmingham Medical School

Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)

BSMS will use UCAT in a very similar way as they used BMAT. They use the UCAT after assessing academic qualifications, to select for interview. For the 2026 entry admissions cycle, you must achieve an SJT Band score of 1, 2 or 3. BSMS will rank its top academically eligible applicants’ UCAT scores downward until all interview places are filled. Offers will be given solely based on interview performance.

University of Bristol Medical School

The total UCAT score is used to select candidates for interview, once all other academic requirements have been met. SJT score is not used. There is no set cut-off score and the threshold is subject to change each year.

UCAT Scores
In 2024, the UCAT threshold for interview:
3010 for UK students
3080 for International Applicants
Source 1

Read more about University of Bristol Medical School

Brunel University, London Medical School

Band 4 SJT is automatically rejected. The remaining are assessed on their personal statements and references. Those meeting the pre-set criteria are ranked according to the total UCAT score of each section (besides SJT) and highest highest-ranked applicants are invited to interview.


Interview Course

In our 2-day Medicine Interview Course, you will learn about medical ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

University of Buckingham Medical School

The UCAT is not used by Buckingham University. There is no alternative entry exam. Please note that Buckingham is a private education provider with annual tuition fees of £40,000 for 2025 entry. Applicants are selected based on academic criteria, a multiple mini-assessment (online test based on the GMC values and criteria) and then a selection day.

University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine

For 2025 entry Cambridge now uses UCAT results. However, there is very little data available. UCAT scores are likely to be used in conjunction with other elements of an application.  SJT score will not be assessed. Please note that UCAT scores and competition will vary from college to college.


Read more about the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine

Cardiff University School of Medicine

The UCAT is used as a measure secondary to academic qualifications. If the university is oversubscribed with exceptional candidates based on their academic criteria, the UCAT will be used. There is no pre-determined cut-off score and use of the UCAT varies each year.

Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT Score
In 2023, the lowest score invited to interview:
1980 for UK students
Source 1
Source 2
The average UCAT score invited to interview:
2566 for UK Students  

Read more about Cardiff University School of Medicine

Personal Statement Tutoring

Craft a stellar personal statement using MedicHut’s tutors who can help you every step of the way – whether you’re just starting off, stuck somewhere in the middle, or just want a bit of time to discuss your finished personal statement. 

University of Chester Medical School (Graduate Entry only)

There are no places currently for home students. They have a minimum threshold in the UCAT, GAMSAT and MCAT.  Applicants must meet a minimum threshold. Band 4 is not considered.

UCAT Score
In 2024, the average score invited to interview:
2523 with 601 in VR

University of Dundee School of Medicine

There is no set cut-off score. Past data indicates they score applicants on a combination of factors and not UCAT scores alone.

Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT Score
In 2024, the lowest score invited to interview:
1900 (Scottish school leavers)
2150 (RUK school leavers)
2270 (International school leavers)
2130 (Graduates)
Source 1
Source 2
The average UCAT score invited to interview:
2662 (Scottish school leavers)
2723 (RUK school leavers)
2690 (International school leavers)
2646 (Graduates)  

Edge Hill University Medical School

Applicants who meet minimum academic requirements will be ranked based on UCAT scores, and a UCAT cut-off will be selected each year based on how many interviews are to go out (subject to change each year). SJT Band 4 leads to an automatic rejection. The course is currently only available to EU/EEA and Swiss students who have settlement status and not any other international applicants.

Median UCAT ScoreModal UCAT Score
In 2023, the median score invited to interview:
2720 for UK students
Source 1
Source 2
The modal UCAT score invited to interview:
2640 for UK Students  

Read more about Edge Hill University Medical School

Interview Course

In our 2-day Medicine Interview Course, you will learn about medical ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

University of Edinburgh Medical School

Applicants are ranked based on their UCAT scores and SJT bands to form deciles. Points are allocated based on the decile the student falls into. Points are added to the academic score, which helps form a final ranking to shortlist for the interview. There is also a minimum cut-off score each year which can vary.
SJT Band 4 is automatically rejected.

UCAT Score
The UCAT cut-off for those applying for 2025 entry is 2450, 2024 entry was 2470 and 2023 entry was 2470. For the 2023 entry, the average UCAT score invited to interview was 2800 for Scottish fee-rate applicants and 2990 for other UK applicants. You can find more detailed statistics in Source 2 below.

Source 1
Source 2

University of Exeter Medical School

Applicants are ranked based on their overall academic profile (predicted or actual A level grades) and total UCAT scores to determine which will be invited to interview. They are given points based on predetermined criteria, of which 2024 entry information can be found in the source below. The weighting is 25% towards UCAT score and 75% towards academic qualifications, meaning that a greater number of A*s at A-level can make up for a lower UCAT score. Those with the highest number of allocated points are invited to interview.

For non-direct school leavers, the GAMSAT is considered rather than the UCAT.


University of Glasgow School of Medicine

Applicants achieving below the average UCAT score for the year are unlikely to be considered. Those meeting minimum academic requirements will be ranked based on total UCAT score and the highest ranking candidates will be invited to interview

UCAT Scores
For 2024, the minimum interview threshold was:
2450 for Scottish applicants
2500 for non-Scottish UK applicants
2800 for International and EU candidates. 

UCAT Tutoring by Top 10% Scorers

Skyrocket your UCAT score with one-on-one mentoring with an expert UCAT tutor. We focus on your weakest areas and deliver personalised preparation to help you reach your highest potential.

University of Hull York Medical School

The UCAT decile that applicants fall under is awarded points and used as part of the overall selection procedure. The selection procedure consists of a 40% weighting for the UCAT decile (based on the total UCAT score) and a 15% weighting for the SJT band. SJT Band 4 is not considered. The SJT Band is then further considered post-interview, with up to 10 points awarded in their selection system when considering post-interview candidates for offers.


Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine

The UCAT is not used in Imperial’s selection process. Candidates will need to sit the BMAT for 2024 entry and as of 2025 entry will sit the UCAT.


Keele University School of Medicine

For applicants with a Home fee status: shortlisting for interview is based on a combination of UCAT scores and the UCAS personal statement. The UCAT grade and personal statement grade will be calculated and combined to give a total on a scale of 1 to 25. This total mark will be used to rank A100 applicants for interview, for guidance, the threshold score in 2024 was 15/25

UCAT Scores
For 2025 entry, applicants with a total UCAT score below 1700 or a situational judgement test (SJT) result in band 4 will not be considered.
For the 2022 entry, the average UCAT score for applicants invited to interview was 2453.

For Graduate applicants, applicants with a total UCAT score below 1700 or a situational judgement test (SJT) result in band 4 will not be considered. They are also required to sit the GAMSAT if the A-level or science GCSE requirements are not met.

Interview Course

In our 2-day Dentistry Interview Course, you will learn about ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

Kent and Medway Medical School

UCAT Scores
KMMS operated a selection threshold of total UCAT score 2500 or above (corresponding to the 49th centile) and UCAT SJT band 3 or above, in 2023-4.The UCAT cut-off for KMMS for 2022-23 was 2470 (44th centile) and SJT Band 3 (i.e. lowest UCAT score invited to interview). The cut-off can vary each year.


King’s College London School of Medicine Education

King’s does not have a threshold UCAT score in any particular year, the overall UCAT score averaged across the four subtests is given more consideration than the individual subtest scores. The Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is also taken into account when shortlisting.

Lowest UCAT Score
For the 2023/24 cycle 2470 was the lowest UCAT score invited for interview – UK Students
For the 2023/24 cycle 2710 was the lowest UCAT score invited for interview – Non-UK Students
Source 1
Source 2

King’s College London School Of Medicine (Graduate Programme)

There is no set cut-off and thresholds can change each year. The overall score is considered, rather than scores for individual sections. Exam results and UCAT overall score are the most important factors for KCL when shortlisting candidates for interview. SJT is also taken into account.

Lowest UCAT ScoreAverage UCAT Score
The lowest UCAT that KCL score invited to interview was 2980The average invited to interview was 3144. Modal SJT was Band 1.
Source 1

Lancaster University Medical School

Candidates will need to sit the BMAT for 2024 entry. For 2025 entry, Lancaster University will use the UCAT admissions test.

Read more about University of Lancaster

Interview Tutoring

Ace your medical school interviews with our expert tutors! Secure your university offers through personalized coaching, realistic mock interviews, and tailored feedback from experienced medical professionals.

University of Leeds School of Medicine

The UCAT will be used for admission to Leeds School of Medicine for the first time in the 2023-2024 application cycle. There is no previous data of UCAT scores needed.

Read more about University of Leeds

University of Leicester Medical School

Leicester does not use cut-off scores. A total score (out of 64) is given to applicants based on UCAT score and academia, with a 50% weighting on the UCAT score and 50% weighting on the academic score. Applicants with a total UCAT score in the bottom two deciles will typically be rejected- (for 2023/4 entry, this would have been less than or equal to a total UCAT score of 2270). Candidates with SJT Band 4 will be automatically rejected.

Leicester will automatically invite candidates with UCAT scores in the top 2 deciles to interview in the following circumstances: Applicants who are in their first gap year, meet the minimum entry requirements, achieved A levels within 2 years of GCSEs, scored SJT Band 3 or above, and a total UCAT score in the top 2 deciles that year.

For more details on how UCAT is scored, see Source 2.

Lowest Score Average Score
For the 2024 entry, the lowest UCAT score
that Leicester invited to interview was:
2300 for home students
2550 for international students.

For graduates in the same cycle, 2370 for home
and 2520 for international students.
For the 2024 entry the average UCAT score
that Leicester invited to interview was:
2745 for home students
2870 for international students

For graduates in the same cycle, 2683 for home
and 2746 for international students.
Source 1

Source 2

Read more about University of Leicester

Personal Statement Review

With our 48-hour turnaround, we ensure you get comprehensive feedback highlighting your strengths and weaknesses, constructive criticism, and help you maintain professionalism. Our review process aims to empower you to present your best self in your medical or dental school applications.

University of Lincoln Medical School

Lincoln does not use UCAT cut-off scores. The entry criteria for Lincoln, which offers a collaborated degree programme with the University of Nottingham, is the same as the entry criteria used when applying for Nottingham directly. Points are awarded for GCSEs as well as UCAT and SJT scores. The individual subsections are scored, with double the score given to the Verbal Reasoning section. There are a maximum of 120 points available for UCAT score, with a maximum of 60 coming from UCAT subsections and 60 from SJT banding (i.e. SJT Band 1 can be quite advantageous here, as this alone awards 60 points).

The total scores for GCSEs and UCAT/SJT are added up to give a total score. Candidates will be selected for interviews based on total scores, with no set minimum score. Applicants with SJT Band 4 are automatically rejected. International students or those without GCSEs or iGCSEs will be scored based on UCAT alone, and will not be disadvantaged for this kind of scoring.

Source 1
Source 2
Read more about University of Lincoln

University of Liverpool School of Medicine

The UCAT is used as stage 1 of the interview selection process. Applicants are ranked based on their total UCAT scores, and applicants with SJT Band 4 are automatically rejected, however, Bands 1-4 are accepted for international students. The top-scoring candidates will progress to stage 2 of the application process, which looks at whether academic criteria is met.

Graduate applicants will need to sit in the GAMSAT.

UCAT Scores
For 2024 entry, the cut-off for home applicants was 2580 and for international students was 2810

Read more about University of Liverpool

University of Manchester Medical School

Manchester has 2 uses for the UCAT: cut-off score and holistic criteria. Applicants achieving scores above the cut-off were automatically invited to interview (given other academic criteria were met). SJT Band 4 is automatically rejected. The cut-off score changes each year and is only determined after the UCAS deadline. If the cut-off score is not met, applicants will be considered using a holistic assessment of UCAT score, SJT band, academic criteria, and contextual data. SJT Band 1 and 2 are prioritised in holistic assessments.

UCAT Score
For the 2024 entry, the cut-off score for Manchester was 2700 and 2500 for widening participation.

Read more about University of Manchester

Interview Course

In our 2-day Medicine Interview Course, you will learn about medical ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

Newcastle University School of Medical Education

Newcastle uses cut-off scores for the UCAT, which can change each year depending on the scores of the applicants compared to how many interviews are to be held. Applicants who meet the academic criteria as well as the UCAT cut-off for that year will be automatically invited to interview

UCAT Score
For 2024 entry the UCAT cut-off was 2490 for home students and 2910 for international students .
For graduate applicants in the same cycle, the UCAT cut off score was 3010.
For more details on scoring see Source 1 below.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Read more about University of Newcastle

Norwich/UEA Medical School

Applicants are ranked based on total UCAT scores. Interviews are scored alongside the UCAT-SJT score, and a combination of the interview and UCAT scores will determine which candidates will receive offers.

Lowest ScoreAverage Score
For 2022 entry, the lowest UCAT score UEA invited to interview was 1970 and for international applicants was 2240. The average UCAT score invited to interview was 2700 and for international applicants was 2596.
Source 1

Source 2

Read more about University of East Anglia

University of Nottingham School of Medicine

Points are awarded for GCSEs as well as UCAT and SJT scores. The individual subsections are scored, with double the score given to the Verbal Reasoning section. There are a maximum of 120 points available for UCAT score, with a maximum of 60 coming from UCAT subsections and 60 from SJT banding (i.e. SJT Band 1 can be quite advantageous here, as this alone awards 60 points).

The total scores for GCSEs and UCAT/SJT are added up to give a total score. Candidates will be selected for interview based on total scores, with no set minimum score. Applicants with SJT Band 4 are automatically rejected. For international applicants without GCSEs or iGCSEs scores will be based on UCAT alone, and will not be disadvantaged for this kind of scoring.


For Nottingham Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM), the GAMSAT is needed and the UCAT will not be considered.

Read more about University of Nottingham

University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division

For 2025 entry, interview selection is based on a numerical ranking of GCSE results and UCAT scores. Only the overall UCAT cognitive subtest score is considered, while the situational judgement score will not be used at this stage.


Read more about University of Oxford

UCAT Tutoring by Top 10% Scorers

Skyrocket your UCAT score with one-on-one mentoring with an expert UCAT tutor. We focus on your weakest areas and deliver personalised preparation to help you reach your highest potential.

University of Plymouth Medical School

Plymouth uses UCAT cut off scores which can vary each year and is determined following an assessment of all applications (i.e. after the UCAS deadline). UCAT results are used alongside A levels and GCSEs to determine which candidates will proceed for interview. SJT is not formally part of the selection process, although it is mentioned that they reserve the right to use the score.

A levels completed more than 5 years prior to the start of the application cycle are not valid for Plymouth. Students without valid A levels will need to sit the GAMSAT rather than the UCAT.

UCAT Scores
For 2024 entry, the cut off was 2210 for home applicants and 2600 for international applicants

Queen’s University Belfast School of Medicine

Queen’s Belfast does not use UCAT cut off scores. Instead, it considers the total overall UCAT score and allocates points based on the score achieved. The points obtained for a candidate’s UCAT score (max. 6 points) are added to points obtained for GCSE achievements (max. 36 points) and the applicants with the highest number of points overall will be invited to interview. SJT was not considered for 2023 entry except for determining between borderline cases pre-interview and post-interview. SJT may be considered further for 2024 entry.

For 2023 entry, maximum points were given by Queen’s to UCAT scores of 2900+ (6 points) and the next category was UCAT scores of 2700-2899 (5 points). For 2022 entry, the threshold for interview was 37 overall points (GCSE+UCAT).
Further details of the points system can be seen in Source 1 below.

Note that it is possible in some years to proceed to interview with the lowest number of points for UCAT achievement, as UCAT is considered alongside GCSEs. (See Source 2)

Source 1

Source 2

Read more about Queen’s University Belfast

Interview Tutoring

Ace your medical school interviews with our expert tutors! Secure your university offers through personalized coaching, realistic mock interviews, and tailored feedback from experienced medical professionals.

University of Sheffield Medical School

Sheffield uses UCAT cut off scores. Applicants who meet the minimum academic requirements and the UCAT cut off are then ranked based on UCAT scores. Those with the highest scores will be invited to interview, based on the number of interview places available. Those not meeting the minimum cut offs are not considered further. Meeting the cut off does not guarantee an interview.

UCAT Scores
For 2024 entry, the cut off was 2440, meaning any applicants with scores lower than this were not considered.
For the same cycle , the lowest UCAT score invited to interview for international applicants was 2870.
For graduate applicants , the lowest UCAT score invited to interview was 2640.

Read about University of Sheffield

University of Southhampton School of Medicine

Applicants are ranked based on their UCAT scores to determine who will proceed to the interview stage. Following interviews, UCAT scores are reviewed again to determine those successful at attaining offers from Southampton.

UCAT Scores
For 2022 entry, the lowest UCAT score invited to interview was 2750 and is likely to go up alongside use of UCAT post-interview
For 2021 entry, the lowest UCAT score for a non-Southampton graduate applicant to be invited for interview was 2930.
Source 1
Source 2

Read about University of Southampton

University of St Andrews School of Medicine

St Andrews does not use UCAT cut off scores. Applicants meeting other entry requirements will be ranked based on their total UCAT scores. Roughly the top 500 applicants will be invited to interview

UCAT Scores
In recent years, the lowest score invited to interview has been around 2400. For 2021 entry, the lowest score invited to interview was 2350.
 In recent years the average scores for UK applicants has been 2600+
Source 1
Source 2

Read about University of St Andrews

UCAT Tutoring by Top 10% Scorers

Skyrocket your UCAT score with one-on-one mentoring with an expert UCAT tutor. We focus on your weakest areas and deliver personalised preparation to help you reach your highest potential.

St George’s University of London Medical School

Candidates must achieve a minimum of 500 in each section of the UCAT and meet the UCAT cut off for that year.

UCAT Scores
In the 2024 entry, the cut-off for home applicants was 2690+
For 2023 entry, the UCAT cut-off for St George’s was 2630 (home and international) for non-graduates and 2690 for graduates (home and international).

Read about St George’s University of London

Swansea University Medical School (Graduate Entry)

The UCAT is not used by Swansea in their selection process. Applicants must sit the GAMSAT.

Interview Course

In our 2-day Medicine Interview Course, you will learn about medical ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

University of Sunderland School of Medicine

Sunderland rejects candidates with UCAT scores in the bottom 20% (lowest 2 deciles) and/or SJT band 4.

For 2023 entry, the average UCAT scores for applicants who received offers from Sunderland was 2270
Source 1
Source 2

University College London Medical School

UCL Medical School (UCLMS) requires all applicants for the MBBS BSc Medicine programme to take the UCAT in the year of application.

For 2024 entry, candidates were ranked by their total UCAT score, with interviews offered accordingly. If multiple applicants had the same score, the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) was used as a tiebreaker.

For 2025 entry, the average UCAT score among applicants was 2859. The minimum UCAT scores required for an interview were:

  • Contextual applicants: 2600
  • Home applicants: 2800
  • Overseas applicants: 3060


Ulster University School of Medicine (Graduate Entry)

The UCAT is not used by Ulster in their selection process. Applicants must sit the GAMSAT.

University of Warwick Medical School (Graduate Entry)

The total UCAT score is used alongside academic achievements to shortlist for interview. Applicants with scores below the average for the Verbal Reasoning section will be rejected (570 minimum VR score for 2023 entry). SJT is not considered. The total UCAT score required to secure a place varies year on year and is dependent on the UCAT performance of applicants to Warwick Medical School.

UCAT (graduate)
For the 2024 entry, the lowest score Warwick invited to interview was 2450.
Source 1
Source 2

What is a Good UCAT Score?

A good UCAT score is generally above 2700, but this does not mean that you will be guaranteed interviews with such a score. Medicine and dentistry are extremely competitive, and it’s important that you apply strategically. You should be aware of UCAT cut-off scores for each university that you apply to and ensure that you’re applying only to universities that will accept your UCAT score alongside other qualifications.

The UCAT is arguably the most important part of the medicine and dentistry application process. The smallest difference in your UCAT result can make the difference between 4 interviews and no interviews.  A UCAT tutor offers structured preparations that meet your specific needs to maximize your performance. Having a specialised teacher for UCAT tutoring will offer you support through your entire journey. This can hugely impact your score and help you secure interviews.

With over 37,000 people who sit the UCAT every year, and limited places in medical and dental school, university acceptance is extremely competitive. You must work towards a top score to secure the second stage of the application process – interviews.

Book in with a MedicHut UCAT tutor now to maximize your UCAT preparation and chances of success.

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