Essay Marking

Get expert feedback on your BMAT essays to help you get that 5A. Our BMAT essay markers will provide you with:

  • Detailed and specific feedback
  • Examples of how you improve individual points
  • How to improve your overall BMAT essay structure and writing
  • A highlight of your weaknesses and practical advice for improving these
  • Added insight, demonstrating how to make your essay writing more compelling
  • Insight on how to strengthen your arguments and counter-arguments
  • An overall BMAT essay score based on the official marking criteria

Our feedback will never be generic or unhelpful. If, for any reason, you’re unsatisfied with the quality of the feedback given, we’ll go through it again for you – no questions asked.

1 Essay


4 Essays


10 Essays


Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly can I get my essay marked?

We offer a 72-hour turnaround time for feedback.

Can I book a Zoom session with the BMAT tutor to discuss the essay feedback?

You can book an addition 1-hour Zoom session with a BMAT tutor when booking your essay feedback.

Is the BMAT essay marking accurate?

We use the official BMAT marking criteria when marking your BMAT essay. We offer much more than just a grade. Feedback will be thorough and detailed, outlining advice for improvement on your next BMAT essay.

How will marking a pre-written essay help with my actual BMAT essay?

We don’t just mark your essay for you. Looking through your essay, we note what you can do to improve on further essays. We assess the weaknesses in your response and give specific improvement points that you can utilise in further BMAT essay writing.

Can I get a bursary?

We currently offer bursaries for our live courses and MMI circuits. We don’t have any bursaries at the moment for one-to-one support. Please see our bursary page for more details.

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