Published on October 23, 2024

Reading Time: 7 min

Hull York Medical School Guide

Hull York Medical School was founded in 2003 as part of an attempt to train more doctors in the UK. It is a joint medical school of the University of Hull and the University of York. This means you will be spending your preclinical years at one of these campuses, as allocated. The collaboration allows students to utilise the best facilities and teaching of both universities. Medical students are able to develop their clinical skills along with an empathetic approach to be able to provide the best care possible. The medical school offers 2 types of Medicine courses: MBBS Medicine and MBBS Medicine with a Gateway Year. The city itself offers historic and modern scenery with proximity to national parks. There is something for all students to have a good work-life balance in this city. Read further to find out what more Hull York Medical School has to offer!

Hull York Medical School Entry Requirements


GCSEs6 GCSEs at Grade 9/A*-Grade 4/C with minimum Grade 6/B in English Language and Maths
A LevelsAAA including Biology and Chemistry (must be achieved within a three year period)
IBMinimum predicted grades of 35, with 6,6,5 at Higher Level, with 6 in Biology and Chemistry.
Scottish HighersAAAAB at Higher Level (if studying three Advanced Higher Levels)
AAAAA at Higher Level (if studying two Advanced Higher Levels)

Admissions Test

Hull York Medical School requires all applicants to sit the UCAT in the year of application. Applicants with SJT Band 1, 2 or 3 are accepted. To be considered for an interview, applicants are initially screened to see if they meet the academic requirements. You will then be scored based on the following:

  • Best 6 GCSEs (30 points max.)
  • UCAT score (40 points max.)
  • SJT (15 points max.)
  • Contextual admissions (15 points max.)

UCAT Tutoring by Top 10% Scorers

Skyrocket your UCAT score with one-on-one mentoring with an expert UCAT tutor. We focus on your weakest areas and deliver personalised preparation to help you reach your highest potential.

Work Experience

Hull York Medical School would like their applicants to have people-focused experiences which can be in healthcare settings. This will enable applicants to gain a realistic insight into what a career in medicine is like. Examples of suggested work experiences are:

  • Primary care work experience at a GP practice
  • Secondary care work experience in a hospital setting
  • Completing the interactive video platform Observe GP
  • Voluntary work in a care home
  • Suitable paid employment
  • Informal conversations with healthcare professionals
  • Reading relevant literature or listening to relevant podcasts

Medical Work Experience London

Our medical work experiences allow students to gain a realistic and holistic understanding of the working life of a doctor in busy London hospitals. The insights and experiences students gain help them to stand out in their medical school applications, personal statements and interviews.

Personal Statement

The personal statement is not scored during the selection process at Hull York Medical School. However, it is a good opportunity to show your passion for medicine and the experiences you have gained. This can also be used during the interview stage and any false claims can be checked so make sure all information on the personal statement is accurate.


Hull York Medical School uses Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs). For Home students, the interview will be in person and entails the following:

  • Group exercise – up to 22 points
  • Mini interview 1 – up to 17 points
  • Mini interview 2 – up to 17 points
  • Scenario station – up to 17 points
  • Student station – up to 17 points

Interview Course

In our 2-day Medicine Interview Course, you will learn about medical ethics, the NHS, hot topics, and required structures for your responses. Participate in our realistic MMI Circuits, get verbal and written feedback and essential strategies to help you secure entry into your chosen university.

Graduate Entry At Hull York Medical School

Students applying with a degree must have achieved BBB in their A levels and 2:1 in their degree.

International Students Entry Requirements for Hull York Medical School

With only 11 places for international students, admissions are very competitive. Applicants must meet the academic entry requirements mentioned above. Your international qualifications can be checked on the university website.

International applicants will be allocated online interviews and do not include contextual points. Scoring is as follows:

  • Mini interview 1 – up to 15 points
  • Mini interview 2 – up to 15 points
  • Mini interview 3 – up to 15 points
  • Student station – up to 15 points
  • Individual scenario station – up to 15 points
  • Group scenario station – up to 15 points

How many places are there for home and international students at Hull York Medical School?

220 places11 places
These figures are for the 2025 entry.

Hull York Medical School Ranking

Hull York Medical School ranks 5th for Medicine, according to the Guardian University Guide Rankings 2025.

It’s important to keep in mind that university rankings are subjective and can be based on different criteria. These rankings must only be one of your deciding factors. It is important to have a holistic approach when making your decisions and consider which universities you would thrive in the most.

Hull York Medical School Fees

These are the values for 2024 entry. 2025 entry fees are yet to be decided.

Hull York Medical School Acceptance Rates

Offers Made560505284
Offers Accepted255265225
Deferred Students201510
The above admissions data shows that acceptance rate for an offer at Hull York Medical School was approximately 13.9% in 2022. Statistics from 2023 and 2024 are currently unavailable.

Hull York Medical School Course Structure

The MBBS programme at Hull York Medical School is split into 3 phases.

  • Phase 1 – Years 1 and 2

A major part of this phase is PBL based. This is accompanied by clinical placements, anatomy and communication skill sessions. In Year 1, students will spend half a day each week either in GP or hospitals. In Year 2, this will be 2 half days each week. Anatomy will be taught via prosections, models and imaging.

  • Phase 2 – Years 3 and 4

During this phase, students will spend their time rotating around various placements. Clinical teaching will also happen via seminars and teaching sessions.

  • Phase 3 – Year 5

In the final year, students will prepare for the transition from medical school to being a junior doctor. There are opportunities to experience on-call and out-of-hours duties. There will also be a 6-week elective which many students choose to take abroad.

Hull York Medical School Teaching Style

The MBBS course at Hull York Medical School is PBL-based. This involves small groups working through a clinical scenario. Small groups are made up of 10-12 students and a facilitator. This will allow students to network with each other, problem solve whilst learning the content.

In a standard week, students will be given a scenario to go through with their PBL group. After that, sessions like anatomy and clinical placements will help consolidate your understanding on that topic. Towards the end of the week, students meet in their PBL groups again to discuss their learnings and ask questions.

Hull York Medical School Teaching Hospitals

Hull York Medical School has teaching hospitals spread throughout Yorkshire. This includes:

  • Castle Hill Hospital (Hull)
  • Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital (Grimsby)
  • Friarage Hospital (Northallerton)
  • Hull Royal Infirmary (Hull)
  • James Cook Hospital (Middlesbrough)
  • Scarborough Hospital (Scarborough)
  • Scunthorpe General Hospital (Scunthorpe)
  • York Hospital (York)
  • GP surgeries across our region
  • Community providers – dermatology, sexual health, mental health, women’s health and paediatrics

Medicine & Dentistry Interview Course + MMI Circuits

Join us online or in-person for small group, interactive seminars on the NHS, medical ethics, breaking bad news, communication skills, and structuring responses to common question types. You’ll then have a realistic MMI circuit with detailed, personalised feedback from each interviewer to perfect your interview approach and land your offers.

Hull York Medical School Interview Format

HYMS uses Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs). They are in-person for Home students and online for International students. There are many parts of the interview:

  • Group exercise – applicants will have to participate in group discussions and they will be scored on their contribution. These discussions will not require medical knowledge.
  • Mini interviews – applicants will be asked a question in each interview room. These questions can be based on current medical topics, personal qualities and insight into a medical career.
  • Student station – these questions will be asked by a senior medical student regarding becoming a student doctor.
  • Individual scenario station – applicants will be shown a video with a character talking to them. They will then be asked to respond to questions twice (during the video and at the end).
  • Group scenario station – applicants will be given a theoretical group scenario and will need to explain how they would act.

Hull York Medical School Interview Questions

  1. Mini Interviews

Tell me about something you have recently read related to medicine.

This type of question really has no right answer. It tests your ability to simply discuss a current issue with the interviewer. Be prepared for any follow up questions asking about your opinion or thoughts. Therefore, it is a good idea to be reading healthcare-related news, closer to your interview date.

What difficulties might you face as a medical student and how will you tackle them?

There are many challenges you may face as a medical student. This includes academic pressure, having a busy schedule or mental health. Some solutions can be being organised, having a good work-life balance and communicating with friends and family. Interviewers are looking to see how prepared you are for a career in medicine as it does come with its struggles.

2. Scenario Stations

Your best friend in university is feeling unwell and has asked you to sign his name on the register for tomorrow’s mandatory workshop. He really doesn’t want another absence as he has had many in the past and this will negatively impact his record. What should you do and why?

This question tests your professionalism. As a medical student, you are required to be professional and honest. You have to make it clear that you will not sign on the register but also be empathetic for your friend. This can be done by asking them why they are missing sessions and if they are struggling.

MedicHut Simulated MMI Interview

Mock MMI Circuit

Join us online or in-person (London, Manchester, Birmingham or Newcastle) for the most realistic simulated MMI circuit for medicine and dentistry. With 8 real interview stations and detailed, personalised feedback from each interviewer, you’ll be well on your way to smashing your real interviews.

Life as a Medical Student Hull York Medical School

Social Life at Hull York Medical School

Medical school is not just about the course but also about developing yourself socially. This is by branching out to connect with other students and having new experiences. The city of York has many opportunities for live music, nightlife, art and diverse places to eat. So, whether you prefer a night out or a dinner out with friends, there is something for everyone!

Societies and Clubs at Hull York Medical School

An advantage of being at Hull York Medical School is that it gives you access to the Students’ Union of two great universities. This means you can participate in the vibrant community of two MedSocs. There is a large variety of societies from sports to arts to medicine-related. There are many events that students run which include the Summer & Winter Balls, charity fundraisers and conferences.

Intercalated Degree at Hull York Medical School

Hull York Medical School offers a wide variety of intercalation degrees for students to explore their interests. This includes Undergraduate and Masters degrees. Some examples are:

  • MSc in Clinical Anatomy
  • MSc in Pharmacology and Drug Development
  • MSc in Health and Climate Change
  • BSc in Medical Sciences


Does Hull York Medical School offer a Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree?

Yes, Hull York Medical School does offer BSc degrees as part of their intercalation programme for medical students. It is a research focused degree that helps students gain an in-depth understanding of pathology, immunology and neuroscience.

How Much of the Hull York Medical School Medicine Course is Clinical vs Preclinical?

The 5-year MBBS course is quite balanced. The first 2 years are mostly preclinical with some placements and contact with patients. The final 3 years are fully clinical with students rotating through specialties within medicine.

Is Hull York Medical School a Good Medical School?

Hull York Medical School is formed by the collaboration of University of Hull and University of York – with the latter being a Russel Group university. It also ranks highly as a medical school. It is ideal for all medical students however, it depends on what your priorities are when selecting a medical school. It is best to visit the university on their Open Days to gain a realistic idea of the place and speak to the friendly staff!

Support with Getting Into Hull York Medical School

UCAT Tutoring

Due to Hull York Medical School being fairly competitive, it’s a good idea to get a UCAT tutor to help you score more points during the selection process. When looking for a good tutor, it’s wise to consider someone who has recently achieved an excellent UCAT score and who has experience with tutoring. Your tutor should be able to assess your strengths and weaknesses to focus your lesson time on improving the areas you need improvement in.

Medicine Interview Tutoring

With an acceptance rate under 14% in 2022, entry to HYMS is competitive. A large part of the admissions process is the MMI, which you’ll need to thoroughly prepare for if you’re serious about getting into HYMS. We recommend booking in with a medicine interview tutor at Hull York to get their most realistic preparation for the unique interview process. An interview tutor can help you to gain interview confidence, competence, and the knowledge base you need to stand out from the crowd.

University-Specific Mock Interviews

Book a one-to-one mock interview with an expert tutor from your desired university. You’ll have the most realistic interview experience, complete with detailed verbal feedback and a written report to help maximise your success.

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