Published on October 29, 2024
Reading Time: 5 min
Lord Darzi Report – NHS Hot Topics
The National Health Service (NHS) remains a cornerstone of the UK’s healthcare system, ensuring that “health service is based on clinical need, not ability to pay”. Despite it being a model healthcare system for many countries, there are gaps in the service that could snowball into future challenges. As a prospective medical student, it is important to be aware of these challenges for a medicine interview.
One of the pivotal documents that have recently shaped the discourse around the NHS and its problems is the Lord Darzi Report (2024). Commissioned by Lord Darzi, a leading surgeon and outspoken health politician, the Darzi report is a review aimed at improving the NHS. This article aims to provide an in-depth overview of the report, its key findings, and its implications for the future of healthcare in the UK, which is particularly useful for those preparing for medical school interviews.
Who is Lord Darzi?
Lord Ara Darzi is a highly respected surgeon who has been greatly involved in health politics, being a former Under-Secretary of State for Health between 2007-2009, and currently a member of the House of Lords.
The eponymous report of 2024 is not his first report to improve the NHS; During his career as a health politician, he has made previous reports, including Healthcare for London: A Framework for Action (2007), High-Quality Care for All (2008), all which were received positively and have had some success in being translated into practice.
Key Issues of the NHS Highlighted in the Darzi Report
The UK government tasked Lord Darzi with investigating and compiling this report. His review addressed the population’s evolving needs, technological advancements, and the sustainability of the NHS, concluding with actionable recommendations to ensure the NHS remains fit for purpose in the 21st century.
The first thing Darzi highlighted was that the NHS is struggling; public satisfaction of the services has never been lower, and as such, it is important to rebuild this trust by acknowledging all its issues.
Darzi acknowledges that the NHS itself is not entirely to blame, and it is important to acknowledge that the health of the general population has deteriorated greatly, subsequently putting a strain on services and using up more resources. Examples of ways that the population’s health has worsened include the increase in long-term conditions, mental health needs, fewer children getting immunisations, less participation in screening programs and more. The added stress of budgeting being reduced for healthcare services only adds fuel to the fire.
The major issues highlighted by Darzi from an organizational side include:
- Missed waiting time targets and increasing waiting lists: particularly for mental health and community services).
- Inaccessibility to GP services: There are fewer GPs per patient available.
- Strains on the A&E: long waiting times
- Long waiting lists for procedures: In 2010, the NHS set a target that treatment should commence in 18 weeks. As of 2024, this target has not been met, with hundreds of thousands of people going past this timeframe. It is also worth noting that the NHS “delayed, cancelled or postponed far more routine care” during the pandemic than any other comparable health system”
- Issues with cancer care: Despite increased survival rates to before, compared to other countries mortality from cancer in the UK is still high. Diagnosis of cancer at the early stages has not improved and referral targets for treatment have not been met. Furthermore, rates of cancer have increased as well.
- Cardiovascular care: Since COVID-19, mortality for cardiovascular conditions has increased, whilst rapid treatment services have worsened.
- Unequal quality of care: Certain specialities, such as maternal and psychiatric departments, have worse quality than others.
- Poor allocation of NHS budget: Failing productivity (i.e. patients wait too long at one service and don’t flow through the system quickly enough) which in part is due to insufficient funding of community-based care. Community-based care is important to ensure a smooth discharge out of the hospital, and the goal of most of the care being shifted from hospital to community still has not been achieved.
- Effect on patient jobs: Due to long inpatient waiting times, patients are unable to go back to work, indirectly affecting the national economy.
- Lack of digital infrastructure: The NHS has very outdated digital systems, which can cause a lot of issues.
- Missing investments: There is a shortfall of £37b, which could have been used to update digital systems, fix the backlog, and update/build new hospitals
- Declining patient satisfaction: Patients are not getting the high-quality care they are promised, with an increasing number of complaints, most of which are not heard or listened to. As a result, a lot of money is being spent to compensate for these failures.
- Staff troubles: The pandemic has negatively impacted a lot of staff, with staff working suboptimal for the services and taking more sick days than before.
- Poor management structure and constant reorganization of regulatory and head teams.
Regardless of all these issues, Darzi stresses that the problem is not the fact that the NHS is taxpayer-based and supports the fact that the service is free at the point of use, citing that other models of healthcare tend to be more expensive to manage. Instead of considering the privatization of the NHS, he advocates the need to reform it so the country can afford to have the NHS.

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Lord Darzi’s Points for Improvement
Unfortunately, Darzi’s report highlights that repairing the NHS will take years. However, the following are key points that Darzi believes will help.
Patient Centred Care
- Personalization: The report emphasizes the importance of personalized care plans tailored to individual needs. It advocates for a shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more tailored healthcare delivery model.
- Patient Empowerment: Encouraging patients to take an active role in their healthcare is crucial. This involves better access to personal health data and more involvement in decision-making processes.
Retention and Recruitment
Addressing the workforce crisis is a priority. The report recommends strategies to improve job satisfaction, career development opportunities, and working conditions to retain existing staff and attract new talent.
Integration of Hospital and Community
It is important to bring together the primary, mental health, and community care to ensure optimal care delivery
Technological Integration
- Digital Health: Embracing digital health solutions is seen as essential for the future. The report advocates for the widespread adoption of electronic health records, telemedicine, and AI-driven diagnostic tools.
- Efficiency Improvements: Streamlining administrative processes and reducing waste are identified as key areas for cost savings. Additionally, improving productivity to bring down waiting lists will be of utmost importance, achieved via implementing better management, investing in modern equipment and buildings, and supporting the biopharmacy industry. With this, waiting lists can improve, getting more people back to work.
Reformation of the Structure
Reorganisation needs to occur, starting from the top. Roles need to be clarified, and resource management needs to be worked on.

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What you need to know about the Lord Darzi report for Medicine Interviews
As a prospective medical student applying to a university within the United Kingdom, you will likely end up working in the NHS. As such, knowing the current problems within the NHS is important as it shows interviewers that you are aware and prepared for suboptimal working conditions, such as working overtime and long waiting times. The Darzi report eloquently highlights key issues within the system, making it incredibly useful for interview preparation. Additionally, being aware of ways the NHS could improve itself will also be useful, with a common interview question being to highlight problems in the NHS and being expected to give methods of improvement.
Furthermore, the Darzi report is one that was only recently published, making it a potential hot topic for interviews to quiz you on and check if you are engaged in the subject of medicine.
Medical School Interview Questions and Model Answers on the Lord Darzi Report
What was the Darzi Report?
The Darzi Report is essentially a review of the NHS, its problems, and potential solutions to pull it out of disrepair. It highlights key issues that could potentially increase in damage in the future, which include the long waiting lists for procedures and treatments, low employee productivity, and poor community care funding. All these issues have spiralled the NHS into a state of low productivity, unnecessary compensation spending from unhappy patients, and poor health infrastructure.
As such, Darzi highlights several solutions to these problems, such as promoting technological and digital innovation, ensuring efficiency throughout patient care to ensure they get back to work quicker, and aiming for lower waiting times, amongst other solutions.

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