Live BMAT Course

8 Hours of Teaching

Proven Strategies

Created by the Best

Why MedicHut’s BMAT Course?

During this one-day crash course, our experienced tutors will go through all of the most efficient and proven strategies to succeed in the BMAT.

Whether it’s time-saving strategies to beat the clock in this notoriously time-pressured exam, or background knowledge for the sciences that are tested, we cover it all. We can’t magically teach you how to write essays in a single day, but we can certainly prepare you to succeed in the BMAT essay. It’s all strategy, and we provide you with tried and tested methods of success in each section of the BMAT.

Created by top-scoring candidates and Oxbridge students, this BMAT Course is designed for students aiming to excel.


09:00 – 09:15 – Introduction
09:15 – 11:00 – Section 1
11:00 – 11:10 – Snack Break
11:10 – 13:00 – Section 1 continued
13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 – Section 2
15:00 – 15:10 – Snack Break
15:10 – 15:45 – Section 2 continued
15:45 – 17:00 – Section 3


Many students feel that section 1 cannot be prepared for. However, during our live course, we’ll help you tackle the most common and the most difficult questions from both domains: problem solving and critical thinking. You’ll feel much more confident going into your BMAT preparation given the skills, techniques, and resources from this course.


In this section, we’ll cover the most relevant topics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics that you must understand in order to score well in the BMAT. We’ll also cover essential strategies and time-saving techniques for common question types. Our tutors will provide practise questions and build your confidence by helping you work through them.


Is it really possible to get better at essay writing in such a short period of time? The short answer is, yes! For this task, we’ll help you understand how to best select a question suitable for you, the importance of planning and structuring your essay, and how to write a compelling essay. We’ll cover examples and you’ll be given the opportunity to write your own essay using the methods taught.


The BMAT requires a lot of preparation, and having a tutor for ongoing support is not only necessary when getting stuck on difficult concepts and questions.

Our experienced tutors have scored in the top 10% on the BMAT and are able to provide you with all of the support and guidance that you may not even know you need! Having a BMAT personal tutor can make all of the difference, helping you to truly unlock your potential. Your tutor can:

  • Teach you all of the key strategies in a learning style that suits you
  • Run through difficult topics and questions
  • Cover time-saving techniques to help you maximise your score
  • Help you plan and write stellar essays, providing feedback on ones you’ve written
  • Guide you on how to best improve your weaknesses
  • Provide practise questions, homework, and ongoing support

5 Hours


per hour

10 Hours



per hour

20 Hours



per hour

Essay Marking

Get expert feedback on your essays to help you get that 5A. Our BMAT essay markers will provide you with:

  • Detailed and specific feedback
  • Examples of how you improve individual points
  • How to improve your overall essay structure and writing
  • A highlight of your weaknesses and practical advice for improving these
  • Added insight, demonstrating how to make your essay writing more compelling
  • Insight on how to strengthen your arguments and counter-arguments
  • An overall score based on the official BMAT marking criteria

Our feedback will never be generic or unhelpful. If, for any reason, you’re unsatisfied with the quality of the feedback given, we’ll go through it again for you – no questions asked.

1 Essay


4 Essays


10 Essays


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