2-Day Live Medicine Interview Course

Spend day one learning how to tackle medical school interviews with the knowledge-base needed.

We’ll teach you everything you need to know about the NHS, medical ethics, hot topics, and structuring responses for various types of questions in our 2-Day Live Medicine Interview Course. You’ll also have the opportunity to debate other attendees to better understand various sides to ethical arguments. On day two, you’ll be thrown in the deep end with a realistic simulated MMI circuit. With 8 interviewers who will each provide you with detailed and individualised feedback on your performance, you’ll be set to maximise your medical interview preparation. This course is not only a student favourite, but is a favourite of our team because we love the impact it has on students. They leave the course inspired, motivated, and feeling better than ever about tackling their medicine interviews.

University-Specific Mock Medicine Interviews

From £45

MedicHut interview experts know all the ins and outs of medicine interviews and exactly what interviewers are looking for. This is from years of experience analysing medical school interview questions and the best techniques to answer them, personal experiences being interviewers, lots of courses and books on communication skills and professionalism, and from being interviewed themselves!

Whatever kind of interviews you’ll be having for your chosen medical schools, a one-to-one with an interview expert is always a good idea. Here are some key benefits:

  • Specific to your university!
  • Have your verbal and non-verbal communication skills assessed
  • Exercise your nerves by being interrogated by a stranger (fun!)
  • Gain practice answering a variety of questions on the spot
  • Receive detailed written and verbal feedback and practical suggestions for improvement
  • Receive a video recording of the session to look back at

Interviews are currently only being held online. Please contact us via email to arrange your interview date.

Online Medicine Interviews

Medical School Interview Tutoring

From £35/Hour


Sessions that are too long can be hard to retain, and because your personal tutor will tailor sessions to your needs, you’re able to book them for an hour at a time, whenever you need.


Different universities have different interview processes. Learn the specifics about how to answer questions for each type of interview you’ll be having.


A great knowledge base builds a great foundation to answer unexpected questions. Learn everything about current hot topics, ethics, and situational judgement questions.

Skills and Practice

Become an expert at data interpretation, communication skills, displaying professionalism, roleplaying, and answering all common questions.

Most prospective medical students have the aptitude to perform very well on written examinations, but when it comes to the interview process, it’s very easy to succumb to the pressure. Preparation is key for every aspect of the medical school application process. After assessing your strengths and weaknesses, your personal tutor will help you to:

  • Devise model answers for all common and expected medical school interview questions.
  • Develop your weaknesses into strengths, and help your strengths to shine through.
  • Prepare for each university you’ve applied to by partaking in simulated interviews.
  • Perfect your communication skills, roleplay abilities, and knowledge of relevant concepts.

Become more competent, confident and knowledgeable for your medicine interviews

Online Mock Medicine MMI Circuit

Only £69

Spanning 90 minutes, you’ll have a realistic 8-station MMI circuit. Each station will be conducted by a medical student, dental student, or doctor. After each station, you’re provided with detailed and specific feedback on topics such as:

  • Structure and content of your response
  • Your verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Your professionalism and manner
  • Your suitability as a medic based on your response
  • Your ability to think logically and clearly under pressure
  • Your ability to recognise your own limitations
  • Your knowledge of relevant medical topics

Your interviewers will verbally provide you with practical advice on how to improve in the areas where you lack, and will advise you on the strengths you have that you should maintain. You will also be provided with a written summary of your feedback from each individual interviewer to take away.

Stations will vary but generally will consist of a variety of stations, testing topics that apply to a range of medical schools in the UK.

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